All Library branches will be closed and the Mobile Library will not make its scheduled stops on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day.

MOBIUS Information
Library Cards
Your Springfield-Greene County Library card gives you access to all the resources and services of the Springfield-Greene County Library. In addition to borrowing materials, your card will let you use a library computer, download digital media and search electronic databases.
Library Cards are issued free of charge to residents of Greene County, Missouri, persons who pay property tax in Greene County, or students residing in university housing. See the Library's Circulation Policy.
How to Apply for a Library Card
You can apply for a library card in person or online.
All applicants must provide:
a completed Library Card Registration (see below)
Persons who pay property tax in Greene County, Missouri, but do not reside in Greene County, must also provide a Greene County property tax receipt or lease or rental agreement for property in Greene County.
If an applicant has had a previous card in our system, any outstanding issues with that card, including fines or fees, may need to be resolved.
Library cards expire automatically one year from the date of issue. You may update your account online, or call or visit any branch library.
Register in Person
Download a registration form and bring the completed form, a valid form of identification and proof of current address to the checkout desk of any Library branch.
Register Online
Complete an online registration form. Within seven days you must either email a valid form of identification and proof of current address to sgcl.verify@thelibrary.org or bring the required documents to any branch library to complete the registration process. This method will allow you to immediately place physical materials on hold, access the Library's online databases and e-books, audiobooks, movies, music and magazines.
Applications processed online will require cardholders to present a photo ID the first time the card is used to check out materials in person.
Non-Resident Library Cards
Residents of the United States living outside of Greene County may pay an annual fee of $80 per household to obtain a Library card with the same checkout privileges, computer access and services that county residents enjoy.
Children's Library Cards
Teens and children 17 years old and younger must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian in order to register for a Library Card.
Company Library Cards
Businesses may obtain a library card with one individual responsible for the card and all materials checked out on the card.
Businesses within Greene County may obtain this card free of charge. Businesses in the United States, but outside of Greene County, may purchase a Library card for a $80 annual fee.
Patrons may not check out on a Company Card without having the card in hand.
Company Library Cards are issued for one year in a company's name and mailed to the company address, in care of the company president, who is responsible for materials checked out on Company Library Cards.
To apply for a Company Library Card, complete an application (pdf).