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All Library branches will be closed and the Mobile Library will not make its scheduled stops on Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


MOBIUS Information


The Schweitzer Brentwood Branch remains closed due to a maintenance issue. During this period, the drive-through will remain open, offering service from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Petition, Campaign and Protest Policy

The Springfield-Greene County Library District has established a reasonable boundary for gathering signatures on a petition, directly distributing campaign literature or staging statements of objection or protests.

Activities may take place only in areas designated by the respective library branch. Use of chairs or table is permitted while engaging in gathering signatures on a petition, distributing campaign literature or staging protests. Participants must provide their own tables or chairs.

All engaged in the activities are asked to register at the main desk before beginning activities. Registration includes providing: name, company or organization represented, formal ballot language when applicable and contact number for possible complaints.

Inside the Library, gathering signatures on petitions, directly distributing campaign literature or engaging in statements of objection or protest are only allowed in the context of scheduled meetings in library meeting rooms. Those engaged in above activities may not stand outside library meeting rooms.

Those engaging in obtaining signatures on a petition, directly distributing campaign literature or engaging in statements of objection or protest are asked to remain in designated areas. They may not pursue customers or staff into parking areas or inside library facilities. All are asked to adhere to the Library’s General Conduct Policy. Any violations of this policy or the General Conduct Policy may result in expulsion from the property.

Board Reviewed and Reapproved 9-18-18

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