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All Library branches will be closed and the Mobile Library will not make its scheduled stops on Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


MOBIUS Information


The Schweitzer Brentwood Branch remains closed due to a maintenance issue. During this period, the drive-through will remain open, offering service from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Copying Machines & Computer Printing

Copying machines and computer printers are provided for patrons at each branch. The Library is not responsible for any copying or printing done by patrons. Warnings of copyright restrictions are posted near all copying machines. The Library cannot copy for patrons any of the sheet music collection held at The Library Center due to copyright restrictions.

Copying machines are 10 cents per page. Paper that is 11 x 17 is 20 cents per page. Patrons may use their own paper but the costs remain the same.

Photocopies and computer printouts are charged the following rate at all branches:

Black and White copies:

8 ½ x 11      10 cents

8 ½ x 14      10 cents

11 x 17        20 cents

Color copies:

8 ½ x 11      50 cents 8 ½ x 14      50 cents

11 x 17        $1.00


Approved by Library Board 5/17/2011, Reapproved 12/17/2019

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